Generation Jones includes the youngest baby boomers that were born between the years 1954 and 1965. This generation’s most often looked upon as the forgotten middle child of…
We’ll always be ready for Elvis Presley quotes. Elvis Aaron Presley, born on January 8, 1935 lived until August 16, 1977. You very likely know him as Elvis,…
Retro gadgets from the 80s provide a fascinating way for us to look back to see how far we’ve come Seriously. Many would argue that there was no…
You never quite know what you’re going to get when it comes to the mixed bag of neighbor fails. Some neighbors seem like they emerge from the underworld…
A xennial is someone who was born between the years of 1977 and 1984. These people have been labeled as generation x, but also fall under the millennial…
Hopefully you have that one friend in your social circle who can be found regularly rapping off their latest findings from the world of cryptid legends. A cryptid…
The people of the 20th century didn’t have the same conveniences we enjoy today. If we need our car repaired, we simply call the mechanic. If our shower…
Just because someone might be an architect by trade doesn’t mean that they’re not going to endure one of those nasty architectural missteps. Yes, even the brightest of…
Union members can bond over quite a bit. Being in a union gives people a certain sense of belonging and comfortability. Unionizing can allow a group of employees…
Contortionists never cease to amaze. Contortion is the act of twisting and bending your body into absolutely insane shapes that people don’t naturally bend into. It is one…