James Fridman is in a league of his own when it comes to trolling people’s Photoshop requests. At this point you can only hope that anyone who bothers submitting a photoshop request to James Fridman knows exactly what they’re signing up for. Either way, the work always turns out hilariously. A photoshop troll from James Fridman is probably on a fair amount of people’s bucket lists, and it’s no surprise.
1. “That yellow hair tie was so inconsiderate.”

Here we have our first example of the master artist that is James Fridman just going to work. Little did anyone know that the hair tie was just being held back from realizing its fullest potential. At least that can be put to rest.
2. “It was written in her expression.”

You’ve got to love it when James Fridman pulls through with a wholesome photoshop troll. This lady clearly just wanted a bit more love from everyone else around her. Suffice to say, it was realized in the next picture.
3. “Well, he might’ve nailed it.”

If I were this guy, I’d just fully commit to the bit and see what the world of LinkedIn would make of such an update. Some concerned and/or highly entertained phone calls would likely ensue.
4. “How sweet.”

Yeah, he’s right. You can’t put in all that stress and end up grabbing the wrong drainer. That’s nothing short of a catastrophe.
5. “There’s no such thing as loving yourself too much.”

Sometimes, the best way to get over an ex is to just turn inward and focus on all that it is that you love about yourself. That being said, this photoshop troll transcends the bounds of self love.
6. “Ouch.”

They asked, and James pulled through. Obviously, not in the way that they might’ve hoped. But therein lies the whole point.
7. “Love can find you at the most unexpected of times.”

That dude was mad chilling, but also there has to be more to the story here. Like the intentional photo crash moment. The proposal must’ve already happened.
8. “Oh, how the tables have turned.”

Honestly though, the dude does have quite the impressive mitt. At least he’s not self-conscious about it by the looks of his pose for this picture.
9. “A wakeup call for her for sure.”

You see, this is why some folks need James Fridman far more than they realize. She was bothered by the lady’s presence, without even thinking about why the lady was working so hard in the first place.
10. “That’s a pricey crown, to be sure.”

I can’t say that this looks like a particularly comfortable piece of headwear. However, the humor we receive from James Fridman absolutely didn’t come up short.
11. “That escalated quickly.”

It’s amazing what the presence of a pair of scissors can do in terms of completely altering the vibe of a photo. A once happy enough looking couple now seems to be showing all signs of speeding right for a full-fledged disaster.
12. “At least the expression changed for the better.”

Clearly, the boyfriend overcommitted to looking poised and professional for the photo he took with his girlfriend. Then again, at least James Fridman found it in the kindness of his heart to change the boyfriend’s expression.
13. “He’s ready for a new superhero show.”

Honestly, the photoshop alteration is kind of giving a bit of a “The Thing” vibe, and I’m not hating it. Can’t imagine that the boyfriend who stars in this photo is particularly a fan though.
14. “Aw, the king, James Fridman delivers again.”

Their best decision was to lead with their appreciation over how great James Fridman’s work is. It really is something special.
15. “He never misses.”

Wow. The changes made to this photo are just a bit anxiety-inducing. It’s like a rush of unforgivingly unsettling things all at once.
16. “He got what he asked for.”

What a beautiful city. To have been there to enjoy the view. You can really see the gleam of appreciation in this guy’s eyes over the view. Unmistakable.
17. “No, just right.”

Oh, there goes Shrek with the glow-up though. He looks like he’s excited about exploring the waterfall behind him, while she looks absolutely appalled over everything.
18. “The pole was there for a reason.”

You’ve got to love it when James Fridman uses his wizardry to point out to people why the very objects they’re asking to have removed are there in the first place. The pole was just trying to do its job, man.
19. “There he goes again.”

When you ask James Fridman a photoshop question and you leave any leeway, and leeway at all, you best ready yourself for him to take advantage of that. If you’re not careful you might end up losing both arms.
20. “Yep, no more angry guy.”

21. “Technically, he fulfilled the request perfectly.”

22. “Who’s that dude.”

23. “Someone call an ambulance.”

24. “Now it’s perfect.”

25. “Living life on the edge.”