The last possible thing you want to deal with when spending your hard-earned money on food is to realize that you ended up completely losing the food lottery. Maybe it was a bag of chips that came up far too short. Or, it could’ve been a meal you ordered through one of the many overpriced food delivery apps, that ended up being half the portion you paid full price for. These food lottery losses are horribly frustrating experiences that no one deserves. Life’s expensive enough without paying the full price for the short end of the stick. Hopefully the tide turned in these people’s favor after they failed to get their money’s worth for foods.
1. “There’s only two, no!”

“Shrinkflation is real.” – u/bluntedinsomniac
“Haribo Despair.” – u/deleted
2. “Smallest avo seed I’ve ever seen.”

“Jackpot.” – u/ruben_e
Yeah, I’m not so sure I would go so far as to say that that fits the bill for your traditional jackpot. Still, an interesting avocado to come across.
3. “I opened a small chip bag and there was only 5.25 chips in there.”

“This is why Pringles is goat.” – u/webdesignersans
Honestly though. They might have a point here. Pringles can really hit the spot sometimes, and this bag of chips needs to get its whole life together.
4. “My swiss cheese only has one hole.”

“You can spin it like pizza dough I guess.” – u/iburnedmymouthlol
You know what though? They do have a point about the pizza dough spinning option. Honestly sounds like a good time.
5. “We had an entire slice of pizza with no cheese.”

“This angers me.” – u/deleted
Come on now. Don’t take that slice away from the good folks. Not cool at all.
6. “I feel violated.”

The origin story for this literal tooth of Peppermint Candy must be fascinating enough. Clearly, this candy has led a troubled life.
7. “Absolute ripoff.”

Yeah, seeing a serious lack of love for whoever was responsible for packaging these couple of cookies. Must’ve been a tough day for this customer, indeed.
8. “What is this?”

“This is the opposite of a food lottery.” – u/deleted
No, really though. This is inexcusable. We demand an explanation, and we demand an explanation sooner rather than later.
9. “Only tortilla.”

“Yeah can I get a burrito, uh, no fillings. At all. Nothing. Thanks.” – u/the_mantis_shrimp
I mean, hey. It’s a tortilla masterpiece of a situation, and maybe for some people that’s all they were looking for in the first place.
10. “We still ate this watermelon.”

“It blew my mind when I learned that yellow and orange watermelons were a thing. Same with pink pineapple.” – u/FootTraffickn
Wow. You learn something new every day. I didn’t see that one coming though.
11. “Kind of lost the food lottery here.”

“This picture makes me very sad.” – u/deleted
That poor piece of almost cheesy bread. It never stood a fighting chance. You can almost see the tears of sadness.
12. “I’ve been robbed.”

“Email the company. This small inconvenience could probably get you a free box of them.” – u/Inochimaru
Alright, that seems like a bit of an escalation, but I guess if they really feel some type of way about the whole matter, then that could be the move.
13. “Not really food but every single one of these were cherry instead of apple.”

So, this predicament really boils down to your preferred flavor. For anyone who likes cherry flavored food items, this would be a smashing victory.
14. “I’m so lucky!”

Maybe it’s time to leave raisins in the past. Maybe raisins are trying to say something here. That, or this is a case of some serious bad luck.
15. “A mini mini tortilla.”

While it’s not ideal to find yourself with a mini mini tortilla when you were banking on the mini tortillas, things can still be accomplished with a mini mini tortilla. Maybe all hope isn’t lost, after all.
16. “Found a hollow egg.”

Oh dear, the humanity. How could they? How could they possibly have the audacity to try and pawn this egg off as being anything but a hollow egg? Some folks are just heartless.
17. “I did not win. That left one is just pathetic.”

“I got one with just cheese the other night.” – u/deleted
“They look like cat food pizzas.” – u/chinocow
18. “This piece of ice in my soda.”

That piece of ice is giving off a bit of Frankenstein energy. Isn’t it just the best when you get a surprise attack from a monstrous looking piece of ice? Truly.
19. “A biscuit without the other cookie on top and without the cream.”

This biscuit clearly had no more love to give. It must’ve been exhausted. Unfortunately, the hungry customer on the receiving end of the situation came out with an undeniable food lottery loss.