Time just keeps on ticking along. It comes for us all, and we can see its effects sprawl across the different parts of our daily lives in all kinds of humbling ways. One area in particular is when you observe time’s effects on statues. Some statues are really out there trying to get by while on their last limbs.
1. “For a lot of people, he is a good boy.”

“Not near enough petting on the top of the head for my liking.” – u/RafiqiNips
“I’m one of those people that would need to pet him even though it makes no sense.” – u/blockchainpower
2. “A tale of 2 teddies, both bought at the same time 18 years ago.”

“Which one of you is the sociopath?” – u/deleted
“Someone was snuggling a bit too hard.” – u/deleted
3. “My mother’s clipboard from doing the newspaper crossword puzzles for 30 years.”

“This might be my favorite of all time. Layers upon layers of questions she’s cracked. I don’t even know what I’m having for dinner.” – u/deleted
“The thought of having the same clipboard for this long is blowing my mind.” – u/tehgimpage
4. “Staples from posters after four decades.”

“Now you can just use magnets.” – u/b1ack1323
“Is there a point where the staples stop?” – u/blockchainpower
5. “This rug is so well worn it’s almost invisible.”

“I want to peel it.” – u/panzerox123
“When you know where you need to go in a video game.” – u/AreYouTakingNotes
6. “Mouse still works, the owner couldn’t figure out why I was snapping this picture.”

“The sand paper mousepad was a good investment!” – u/Flexen
Clearly, someone was able to secure the high score. Good for them.
7. “This dog’s favorite spot.”

“I would be so afraid of my doggo falling out.” – u/deleted
“Now try to convince me that dog won’t kill my backseat.” – u/simonniz
8. “The local ping pong place hasn’t changed the tables in 20 years.”

“Can’t be nice to play on.” – u/deleted
“Looks like miniature beach volleyball to me.” – u/rockodile-crocs
9. “A nut and a bolt, far from and close to the sea.”

“The wood has a really cool shape as well. Funny how it doesn’t look rotten or anything.” – u/TimetoFloat
The real question that comes to mind is just how someone would realistically be able to undo that bolt that has utterly withered away.
10. “My wallet for 15 months without a headphone jack.”

“That can’t be comfortable.” – u/lotuseater92
But come on. Just leave it attached to the headphones and maybe we’d never be here in the first place. Just a thought. Some folks love to live against the grain though.
11. “The key from my 1999 Civic.”

“This happened to me. Except I had to get the entire assembly changed because the key couldn’t turn the ignition. I’m surprised yours still turns.” – u/-insignificant-
“It may cause the steering lock to engage, so I would encourage to get a replacement.” – u/calm_winds
12. “St. Peter’s foot at the Vatican after centuries of being touched by pilgrims.”

“Guilty, I touched it while we were there.” – u/deleted
“Looks like he’s wearing Crocs.” – u/ThermalGravy
13. “If you tell the dog to go get her gator, she will bring back any of these.”

“It kinda looks like a tire because of the profile on it.” – u/angry_snek
“My dog has that same gator, and the first thing to go is always the head.” – u/deleted
14. “12 year old iPod compared to a fully restored one.”

“They looked nice at first but then slowly devolved into a scratched mess.” – u/ItsRainbow
“Picked up 40GB in the process.” – u/anotherkeebler
15. “Our cattle licked this post for the better part of 50 years.”

“Is that called cowrrosion.” – u/loudlime
“That’s some serious fibre.” – u/RJWier
16. “This rock eroded by the waves.”

“They have a rock like this in La Paz. They call it ballandra.” – u/deleted
“Straight out of the game worms.” – u/TheFirstBornIsDead
17. “He’s always worked alone, and only uses one of the chairs.”

“My barber’s is exactly the same.” – u/cheeksgt
18. “I don’t remember how old my keyboard is.”

“Do you type with knives?” – u/jvrcb17
“Do you perspire acid?” – u/deleted
19. “1995 Zippo taken before and after.”

“Wow, nice job!” – u/risquare
“I’d be really curious to see the before and after weight.” – u/deleted