If you’ve ever been in a magical, chaotic, ever unpredictable city like New York then you’ve probably experienced taking the subway. It’s an emotional rollercoaster. While the subway itself is still a cheap enough and convenient way to get from one end of the city to the other, you can easily forget that you’re also entering into an enclosed and fast-moving space with all kinds of wild human beings. Sometimes, the outbursts are strictly comical. You can even witness free live music shows, if that’s your thing. However, other times you can find yourself deeply troubled by what you’re seeing. We did our best to round up some of the more strange, funny, and unexplainable sights that people have ended up witnessing while they’ve been on the subway.
1. “The Tube’s infamous Balloon Bandit at work again.”

“I think it’s a simply way to brighten up a commute. However, his fellow train riders don’t seem to care. I would love it if someone made balloon animals on a train or a bus. It would definitely get a smile out of me.” – u/i_run_far
“That looks so much cleaner and well maintained than DC’s Metro.” – u/Dogs_Not_Gods
2. “Fake Stark.”

“Phony Stark.” – u/t_change_papi
“When Marvel said you’re done after Endgame.” – u/hypez_blitzz
3. “If I ignore them maybe they’ll go away.”

“I’m interested in these photos.” – u/fretnix
“Another reason to avoid public transport.” – u/Deadmacckk
4. “So, my friend found his clone on the subway last night.”

“Humber College is a terrific school for culinary arts.” – u/AlwaysSaysNiceThing
“This is just how bald guys in cities looked in 2013.” – u/deleted
5. “Just another day on the subway.”

“Oscar!” – u/Leugim7734
“And they say chivalry is dead.” – u/AnaParadis
6. “When you stumble upon a literal grocery train.”

“Was it on line 7? My brother stayed at a hotel near line 7 and they had the same thing at his station, only it was a seafood market so the station smelled wonderful.” – u/deleted
“Cleanup on train 4.” – u/deleted
7. “Would you accept?”

“I would definitely listen to what he had to say.” – u/partsunknown242
“Pizza might be cold though.” – u/montanadavinci
8. “Einstein achieved time travel.”

“Mark Twain.” – u/Mcwallabee
“Get a haircut you slob.” – u/buttonsmasher1
9. “That’s going to be a hard pass for me.”

“Yup, never riding the subway again.” – u/jeff.leeson
“My absolute worst fear, as if nuns couldn’t get scarier.” – u/nursecrazy
10. “This guy’s committed to selling those plants.”

“Plants really tie the room together.” – u/sixsixsixties
“I purchased an orchid from this guy last year.” – u/TraditionalFig
11. “Dad’s trying to keep up with the technology.”

“If I did this, I’d still have mine.” – u/kimmanfre
“Solid life hack.” – u/deleted
12. “These books are not what they seem.”

“Her name is Books. How adorable.” – u/damedarcy
“Still laughing.” – u/kstew1
13. “This is art.”

“This is amazing.” – u/retonauta
“Why does this look like Kurt Cobain though?” – u/edeze
14. “Pet bananas are allowed on the subway as long as they’re on a leash.”

“I can’t even.” – u/borisundercover
“I’ll teach you all about the subway and its many creatures when we see Chelsea.” – u/giannabracco10
15. “Normal morning until I took the subway.”

“You walked into somebody’s dream.” – u/BrianSaladSurgery
I guess if you sleep closer to the train, you get to sleep just a little bit longer.” – u/johnb1910
16. “This guy’s lunch made it onto the train without him this morning.”

“Love that your photo includes another dude’s phone photo of the lunch. You guys really shared something here.” – u/nobleshark
“There is something really funny about inanimate objects in unexpected situations. It’s probably because they don’t know how ridiculous they look.” – u/deleted
17. “Nobody was ready for the show.”

“I’d rather this than have some teenager playing mumble rap on his bad phone speakers.” – u/theartoftrolling
“I actually thought this was some kind of Dyson at first glance.” – u/wistalia
18. “You keep doing you.”

“Rock it dude.” – u/Aerron
“He looks content.” – u/danielumlauf
19. “Now we’re really styling out.”

“She has more style in her fingertips than I have in my whole body.” – u/potatogod305
“I think she looks amazing.” – u/Kimb0_91
20. “I’m feeling lucky.”

“Can you really train rabbits to behave like that.” – u/carolinapearl
“Peace and love, my rabbit friend.” – u/Econ42
21. “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.”

“I would not at all be cool with being blinded like that on the subway.” – u/whatwasprobablysaid
“The guy with the Oculus is seeing some evil.” – u/GruffStranger
22. “Taking Christmas to a whole new level.”

“I must have this.” – u/deleted
“It’s Groot’s festive cousin!” – u/Grootfan
23. “Dude just whipped out his desk on the subway, and started the meeting.”

“Um excuse us guys, we had this car reserved for our 10am standup.” – u/GlamRockDave
“Wonder what pyramid scheme he’s trying to sell.” – u/sgrmw