Sometimes, a joke flies right over your head. Maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and your brain couldn’t seem to catch up with the day’s banter. We’ve all been there. Some folks though, have really been through it. These hopeless people, in particular, completely missed the joke. Thankfully, we can enjoy some laughs at their expense.
1. “I mean, yeah, it is.”

“The word, free, has its own attraction.” – u/Necessary-Emotion-55
“This is one of the first things you learn in macro economics.” – u/Painter-Pleasant
2. “2,431 people not getting the joke.”

“It’s definitely gaslamping and it always has been.” – u/kctjfryihx99
“Oh, so that’s what glamping is!” – u/Specific_Estimate_22
3. “Thanks for clearing that up.”

“It scares me that people are this stupid.” – u/chappo_
“And not even correct. Einstein observed and found a formula for it, he didn’t bring it into existence.” – u/LufasaMufasa
4. “They went too far.”

“I think I had an aneurysm.” – u/21kondav
5. Yeah, we get it.

6. “Who gonna tell him.”

“When you search for the word gullible in the dictionary, you’ll find.” – u/MentryTRex
“Why is it spelled John Cena when it should be.” – u/Caleb1025
7. “That’s a corndog!”

“Not gonna lie, I kind of want to try a corn dog like that now.” – u/Mys3rySteve
“Calicornia roll.” – u/francoeyes
8. “No way, I mean let’s ignore clothes.”

“Clothes.” – u/deleted
“You know how sometimes you just know? Those two are going to make it.” – u/401LocalsOnly
9. “That’s crazy.”

“This one really hurts.” – u/ThreePeaceSuits
“Yikes.” – u/redly52
10. “Rest.”

“What the duck.” – u/coors
“Restraint in peas.” – u/Zestyclose_Location1
11. “Guy ruined it.”

“Still a better movie.” – u/LucasCarioca
“Oh, no.” – u/deleted
12. “Ah yes, a Tumblr moment.”

“I’ve seen this a couple times and every time that second comment has been included and it’s so annoying.” – u/SharksTongue
“This guy likes the joke.” – u/deleted
13. “Sick joke, bro.”

“You may believe he got it after the second comment. He did not.” – u/sensuallpineapple
“It is a woosh, literally.” – u/deleted
14. “Come to Brazil.”

“I don’t get the joke.” – u/Anoserque
“It is very common in Brazil to just send this kind of message to singers. I think it is because they used to skip Brazil when they made world tours. Nowadays, it has become some sort of joke. We send this kind of message even to Brazillian singers.” – u/deleted
15. “That was the point.”

“The second person could’ve just been making a joke.” – u/hmyesindeed
“This is a whole another level of missing the joke.” – u/BrunoMayor_99
16. “Something isn’t right.”

“They can’t be that dumb, can they?” – u/itsnotworthit41
“If this isn’t a joke, then the person who is clueless is really in for a rude awakening.” – u/WystanH
17. “No way.”

“I suppose the weather in New York is a bit chilly.” – u/helloish
“The real Radiator Springs.” – u/Khanivo
18. “At least they’re trying, maybe.”

“Actually, that’s Finagle’s Law. Murphy’s Law is if something can be used or done a right way and a wrong way, and the wrong way will lead to catastrophe, it will be used or done the wrong way.” – u/CoasterKing42
“Thank you internet.” – u/beatboxmike
19. “How do these people even end up here in the first place?”

“Oh, I thought the dog was the ghost.” – u/Shadow-king5
“How do these people even decide what emojis to put.” – u/tsynami
20. “Yep, that’s it, that’s the joke.”

“Honestly I appreciate the people like that because every now and then a joke goes over my head and it’s nice to have it explained by someone who doesn’t think the joke is obvious. It helps me get the joke and feel less dumb.” – u/Korlac11
“Same. Here, it feels like he set it up, and she delivered the punchline. Makes for a nice, cohesive whole.” – u/beilu
21. “Don’t really need the explanation, but apparently 161 others did.”

“I’m scared when I go over 40.” – u/Filibut
“Some of my town’s bus drivers require me to be a certified surfing instructor.” – u/RedSamuraiMan
22. “Thank you, Bart.”

“Hype but too tired.” – u/mmgdlna
“This is just someone saying they relate to it.” – u/CarnivoreSmurf
23. “Good old F1 subtitles.”

“No way. I don’t believe it. It can’t be real.” – u/Classic_Yam_1613
“Car is no zoom zoom.” – u/Zoglins_Are_Cool
24. “This is why we need tone indicators.”

“Tone indicators ruin it for me.” – u/mrroboto
“Cry about it.” – u/googleeys
25. But they can’t.

26. Less than half of the ability to get math jokes.

27. “They should make a joke about that.”

“Honestly, this is the first time I didn’t get it until the person replied.” – u/BackgroundProgress08
“That’s some toasted toast.” – u/Radical-Spider