Some people get terribly lost along the way in their attempts to be creative with their designs. Just because you take an unconventional approach to your next design attempt doesn’t guarantee that it’s not going to end up looking like a monstrous creation better suited for someone’s next nightmare. These designs in particular ended up being so creepy, it’s hard to believe that they’re even real.
1. “What am I looking at?”

“Your life, let it go.” – u/ToadInnerWhole
“It looks like a deranged Elsa offspring mixed with Lord Farquaad from Shrek.” – u/Vent3ar
2. “This GTR Design.”

“At least it’s goofy.” – u/pepsiboye
‘”This scares me on levels I can’t explain.” – u/deleted
3. “Could have hated Baby Yoda even more.”

“Baby Groda.” – u/claimingagate
“That looks like a baby and an old man at the same time, and I’m not sure how that’s even possible.” – u/Shattered_Sans
4. “This Tumblr ad for Illinois is terrifying.”

“Come to Illinois! The Titans haven’t gotten it yet.” – u/zoomies
“Black Hole Sun, anyone?” – u/deleted
5. “Forever traumatized.”

“You can actually see their souls hiding there in the background as well.” – u/scottriddochmusic
“I’d take it home to decorate my nightmares.” – u/deleted
6. “These subway benches in my hometown.”

“Don’t look inside. Don’t look inside.” – u/anonymous
“Just to remind you that life is fleeting, and everyone is mortal.” – u/deleted
7. “Cursed snow.”

“I actually love it.” – u/Manasputachu
“Gene Snowmans!” – u/TedBrownhole
8. “Me and the boys trying to find Nemo be like.”

“Why, just, why?” – u/yeetobeat
“Thanks for new nightmare.” – u/skilifer
9. “Strangebob.”

“Spongebob ScarePants.” – u/deleted
“Spongebob live-action.” – u/Heres_your_sign
10. “He looks like he just saw a ghost.”

“That’s the moment he realized he wasn’t a horse.” – u/deleted
“If I saw a ghost, I’d be glad because it would mean there really is life after death.” – u/anonymous
11. “This vintage chalk packaging.”

“You could make it really creepy by filling the chalks into points and then putting them back in the box.” – u/minniemoomoo
“Okay when I see this in your house, you’re not getting back into mine.” – u/supreme_stickman
12. “This is just scary.”

“Please just don’t say that she’ll be eaten by a bear.” – u/plainketchup
“Is it gonna eat my soul?” – u/deleted
13. “Came for some chips, left missing a kidney.”

“Oh, these are fairly normal in the Netherlands and Belgium.” – u/exttrexarms
“Whatever it is, it’s enjoying that fry way too much.” – u/Troop6
14. “Who can even think of this?”

“It looks like a misshapen potato, but also like human skin.” – u/Dreamy-cloud-club
“Thought it was a Half Life headcrab.” – u/jimmysteves
15. “Ah, yes, this isn’t unsettling at all.”

“Food Theory made an episode about that. Als the commercials also show them eating M&M’s.” – u/Dani-the-dani
“Candybalism.” – u/RamboJane
16. “This Turning Red figure.”

“Good idea, but terrible execution.” – u/Skilifer
“Why am I hearing clown music in the distance.” – u/Rando_mIndividual
17. “Play on me before I perish.”

“It is embarrassed of something.” – u/llewotheno
“It looks like it’s in pain from all the children sitting on and pushing its limbs.” – u/deleted
18. “The fingers.”

“Why does it have a mouth? I don’t like that it has a mouth.” – u/pass_me_the_salt
“Fingers like snakes, next spiders in her hair.” – u/Tiffisiffy
19. “If you’re going to make a Sonic doll, please make it less terrifying.”

“Sonic runs fast, but the hallucinations are faster.” – u/VladmirGrey
“Insanic the Hedgehog.” – u/MenasReddit
20. “But why’d they give it teeth?”

“Why’d they airbrush those eyebrows? Looks evil on a baby.” – u/MGARLAND76
“A full set of perfectly aligned teeth at that.” – u/grannysmithcrabapple
21. “That car air freshener that looks into my soul.”

“Oh what scent? Fear?” – u/LilKetchupPack
“Let’s take a little drive.” – u/Gingersnap322
22. “At my local grocery store.”

“Uncanny Valley.” – u/deleted
“Alternate reality Beavis and Butt-Head as Hedge Fund Managers.” – u/IntoTheBorg
23. “These boots are made for hoppin, and that’s just what they’ll do.”

“One of these days, these boots are gonna hop all over you.” – u/d3773
“That boot looks like he’s just internally screaming.” – u/deleted
24. “He watches.”

“I want one.” – u/Redditboi05
“Lurking beneath the sea.” – u/igw_123
25. “Found this beauty at a Brazilian arcade.”

“That’s a thing of nightmares.” – u/C_James1453
“I love him.” – u/Littlewarp101