Facebook Marketplace will always keep you on your toes. People are trying to pawn off all kinds of crazy stuff. It’s that, or you have folks that are just making fun of the whole online marketplace in the first place. That goes without saying, that some Facebook Marketplace finds are actually so weird that they end up being funny.
1. “Oh no, she said no.”

“That looks like a 3 carat diamond at least. She must have really not wanted to have said yes.” – u/Shadow0fnothing
“One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.” – u/c00girlstella
2. “Honestly though, kind of cool.”

“I’d pay at least $10 for that.” – u/rathmira
“This is actually tight.” – u/bestNBAfanever
3. “Peak Colorado.”

“Great deal if that’s heating and cooling combined.” – u/colostwq
“He knows what he has.” – u/CTware
4. “What a steal.”

“Kips and chetchup.” – u/Beboxed
At the very least you’re getting a lot of ketchup out of the deal. Just make sure to be extra careful with the transportation of the ketchup.
5. “A lightly used Papa Johns pepper.”

“The Papa John’s pepper is the best part though.” – u/deleted
You might even get some spare pizza crumbs out of the deal. Now that’s a serious haul to not be underestimated.
6. “They really swung for the fences with that asking price.”

“It’s actually worth 1.5 cents if you factor in the outstanding melt value.” – u/bsimfq
“Looks like it’s had quite the life.” – u/iiimnqlwe
7. “Just a bit of an identity crisis.”

“Better than a Windows that thinks it’s a Macbook.” – u/MikesHarrySt
“$80 for a Windowbook is a true steal.” – u/matybatts
8. “Yes, it’s definitely authentic.”

“Call me crazy, but I’d actually buy that.” – u/strawberry_the_neko
“What. This is the find of a lifetime.” – u/deleted
9. “Pretty neat.”

“This is a legitimate thing that some collectors and enthusiasts do.” – u/BeaverB
“Just for parts? Yeah, nothing to see here.” – u/eioq;lka
10. “Car seat rocking chair for the man cave.”

“That is truly sweet.” – u/deleted
“I like it. I’d go no further than $200.” – u/MangoZaurul
11. “What on earth.”

“Of course. Obviously you pick tennis balls just like oranges.” – u/Sangroidjoy
“Wall-E 2.” – u/babydog
12. “3-D printers will change the world they said.”

“This is amazing.” – u/Saxon91923
“Take my money.” – u/deleted
13. “Some folks, man.”

“What water would cost more than the pool? You’re not supposed to fill it with Dasani.” – u/deleted
“Sure would be cool if pools came with water when you bought them.” – u/MesquiteT
14. “At least they protected the dog’s identity.”

“Clearly, turn the middle side topwise.” – u/10sharks
“This looks like a job for Captain Hindsight.” – u/deleted
15. “Legendairy.”

“That milk better taste like gold at that price.” – u/virtislk
“In all fairness, what a steal.” – u/deleted
16. “I need it.”

“I actually will buy that though.” – u/Rice-12019
“It’s the jalapeno that really brings the value to the table.” – u/Llamma666
17. “I don’t know if I rescued him, or if he rescued me.”

“He hisses sometimes, but it’s because he’s bilingual.” – u/ParadoxicalArmadillo
“I would adopt.” – u/CursedCommentDean
18. “Welcome to Pennsylvania.”

“This hits too close to home. Only 3 miles away from me.” – u/10isk;a
“This checks out for Eastern PA.” – u/deleted
19. “So much nope.”

“It truly is the devil’s egg.” – u/kreacher-
“They really tied it together with the bit about also being able to do weddings.” – u/my0001l
20. “Wow, what a good deal.”

“It’s just going to teleport into another dimension anyway after I fire it.” – u/Rymag3ddon
“Wow, nerf shortages really are spiraling out of control.” – u/Peachu12