Halloween is almost here, and with that being said, you’ve probably already had an outing or two to properly commemorate the spookiest season of the year. Scare actors that occupy those haunted houses and corn mazes can seriously have their work cut out for them. Whether it’s dealing with a testy guest that stubbornly refuses to get scared, or another guest that has a reaction so ridiculous it’s almost impossible to stay in scary character, these incidents are in a hilarious league of their own.
1. Sometimes, flatulence happens.

“I work at a haunted corn maze. Countless crazy stories. One that I always laugh at is when I jumped out to scare a father and his son, they both fell to the ground and when they hit the ground one of them ripped a giant fart. All three of us couldn’t control the laughter.” – u/stricalps97
2. Kid’s clearly going places.

“Was walking around the lobby/parking lot in a show for all ages where we were zombies. Little kids were given wands that, if waved at us, signaled that we would turn away and shamble after someone else. My friend shambles up to a little boy, probably 4 years old, who apparently doesn’t have a wand but instead just begins viscerally and repeatedly flipping us off for all he can manage. Non stop just finger after finger after finger, both hands. All of us had to stumble away laughing, both because we got the hint and trying not to break character.” – u/kjexclamation
3. Yeah, that’d be mighty spooky.

“I was hiding behind a corner of the haunted barn and a very thin very pale Marilyn Manson fellow comes around my corner, contacts and all. I screamed at first to scare the group and it automatically turned into a real scream. We were just screaming at each other.” – u/obviousschedule145
4. The old fear slap.

“I got fear slapped a few times which wasn’t too much of an issue, some people react that way when genuinely scared and would usually be very apologetic.” – u/whozethere09
5. Good for her.

“We just went to a haunted house with my 9 year old daughter. She would notice the people hiding immediately and say person before they got a chance to scare us. If they did a good scare anyway or had a cool costume she complimented them and thank them for scaring her.” – u/easterncriticism653
6. Yeah, that’s a hard nope.

“I was playing a Samara/The Ring-type character and emerging from my well and some guy grabbed my hair in his fist and yanked really hard. I think he thought it was a wig – I lost it and told him to get out of my section.” – u/butterflydefect09
7. Maybe they were.

“A guest screamed so loud I thought they were auditioning for a horror movie. I almost dropped my chainsaw and asked for their autograph instead.” – u/klaxonu
8. Solid time for a redo.

“As a participant, just the other day we went through this corn maze and an actor scared the two women in front of me. She then turned to me, but I mean, a jump scare is one thing but I know you’re an actor, so once I know you’re there no amount of creepy smile and intense eye contact is going to scare me. So I just reached out my hand and we shook and parted ways. But what was funny about it was I guess she was taken aback by the gesture herself and before I left her section she caught up to me and asked for a redo on the handshake.” – u/throwingchicken
9. That is not the way.

“Narrow indoor maze draped with lots of loose fabrics, faux spiderweb, etc hanging from the ceilings. Very very dark. Guy decides it’s too dark for him and decides to illuminate his path with a lighter. There was only so many zombie grunts I could muster before telling him to put it away before he killed everyone there.” – u/wakeywakeybigmistakey
10. Actually, kind of makes sense.

“While my fam was in a haunted house, one person broke character to ask me for my mother’s name, then proceeded to go to the end of our line and call out her name over and over, freaking her out.” – u/anonymous1902
11. Oh no, not the fear collapse.

“I was the participant not the actor, but a Jack the Ripper actor scared me so bad I collapsed on the ground, it was so bad that the actor apologized to me after.” – u/janedoughnut99
12. Now that’s a solid play.

“Once, a guest started barking back at me. I didn’t know how to respond.” – u/adventuresland434
13. Definite solid core memory.

“Happened the other night. Getting close to closing we tend to get a little extra weird and silly with guests. I’m in a scare zone outside with about five of us and this couple comes with their little 4 year old looking daughter. We tend not to scare the little ones unless we can tell they’re really into it, but the parents go say hi. And the little one growls and roars in her own monster style. We all then scream and jump away as if we are the ones getting scared. Some of us fall on the floor crying and crawling away. One rocking back and forth in fetal position. Other guests are now stopped and watching us. Eventually we all jump up and run away screaming. I hope we gave that kid a great core memory.” – u/jack1180
14. That’s some romantic timing right there.

“Someone proposed to their partner right in front of me while I was in full monster mode. I almost dropped my chainsaw prop in surprise. Love when this happens.” – u/prettypeachybae
15. A haunted forest sounds amazing.

“I worked at a haunted forest, and I was the guy in a butcher area with a chainsaw. There was a group of 3 girls, the oldest was maybe 10. When they went through the area, a sensor that I used to signal that it was time to turn on the chainsaw and run out was triggered, and I scared them not realizing they were little kids (no parents in sight). Well, as they were running, the youngest one’s shoe fell off. The oldest slowly walked toward me, as I was guarding the shoe and asks, Mr. scary man, can I have my sister’s shoe back? I didn’t want to break character, so I kicked the shoe toward her. I’ve never felt so bad in my life working there.” – u/tukieu13
16. Never a bad time for an apology.

“This is a small thing but it made me laugh a lot. I was going through a Haunted House a few weeks ago with my kids and was getting fake attacked by a terrifying growling zombie but he accidentally stepped on my foot and just growled, sorry.” – u/917caitlin
17. That crown sounds traumatizing.

“Not an actor but the last time I went to one as a guest there was this lady with a super cool witch costume and a bone crown, as we were walking past her I said that crown is sick and I heard a really soft thank you behind me.” – u/starshooter777