15 Deeply Nostalgic Toys That Only People Of A Certain Age Will Remember

Everyone needs a little bit of nostalgia in their lives. Nostalgic toys cover all those bases. While it’s not great to live in the past all of the time, there’s nothing wrong with revisiting the memories from the golden years every now and again. There are certain toys that some of us grew up with that really pull on those chords of nostalgia. We’ve rounded up some of the most iconic, nostalgic toys from back in the day that you’ve got to be a certain age to appreciate.

1. Fisher-Price Parking Garage

An image of a very cute Fisher-Price parking garage toy.
u/mikaylarae86/via reddit.com

You can pretty much hear that infamous bell. So cute, and really always on point. If you ever come across one of these while out in the wild, don’t even hesitate, just grab it.

2. Fisher-Price Medical Kit

An image of the Fisher-Price medical kit.
u/quotecandid/via reddit.com

Really though, the best feeling of all time was wrapping up whatever imaginary, highly important medical business it is that you performed, and then closing that “briefcase.” Never did you ever feel so on top of things.

3. 1979 Shogun Rodan

An image of the collectible toy, Shogun Rodan from back in 1979.
u/loegomastersyther/via reddit.com

Unless you were fortunate enough to have around $100 stowed away as a kid in the ’80s, you likely couldn’t afford to shell out the money for this awesome toy. Nowadays this toy is extremely hard to find. So, if you’re fortunate enough to see one on sale at a thrift store, don’t even think twice about grabbing it.

4. Cabbage Patch Kids

An image of a kid holding a Cabbage Patch Kid.
abc news-in-depth/via youtube.com

Back in 1983, the toy company Coleco unveiled their astronomically popular toy line called, “Cabbage Patch Kids.” Each Cabbage Patch Kid was sold for right around $30. They sold like wildfire. Even though the whole premise of having these little dolls being birthed from literal cabbage is just a bit mortifying. And then, of course you have the adoption certificates that would come with each Cabbage Patch Kid too. Yikes.

5. The NERF Ball

A guy playing with numerous multi-colored NERF balls.
u/skiatl/via youtube.com

The NERF Ball took the world by storm. Suddenly, people of all ages had a way to stir up a total ruckus indoors. The ball’s versatility made it all the easier to create all kinds of fun indoor games as well. To this day, NERF is adored by many for the hours of endless entertainment that it provided.

6. Silly Putty

An image of a 1975 Silly Putty commercial.
bionic disco/via youtube.com

Silly Putty. Just saying the name out loud in a crowded room will get someone going. The Silly Putty is the undeniable stuff of legends. It was launched in 1950 by Binney & Smith. All at once, the putty caught on as being this incredibly affordable, and amusingly malleable putty that kids could mold and stretch and make art with to their hearts’ desires.

7. Barbie’s Dream Home

A close-up image of a Barbie Dream home from the 1960's.

u/barbee0913/via youtube.com

Back in the early 1960’s, Mattel changed the world forever when they launched the ever famous Barbie Dream House. The stylish resident featured numerous amenities to ensure that Barbie had all she would need, and only to the price of $8.00. Oh how the times have changed.

8. Simon

An image of the Simon toy from back in the day.

During the late ’70s, Milton Bradley shook up the world of interactive toys with their handheld electronic game called Simon. The game was intended to sharpen people’s memory recall. Each “Simon” would cost you $24.95, and when you factored in the whimsical buttons with their various effects, the game was unsurprisingly very hard to put down.

9. Troll Dolls

The Troll Dolls were unveiled in 1959. So, they’ve been around for a bit. The tiny and flexible toy figures were unmistakable due to their combination of extremely bright and crazily unkempt hair. Many kids would go on to amass serious collections.

10. Easy-Bake Oven

An image of an Easy-Bake Oven being played with by a few kids.
traxx gallery/via youtube.com

The Easy-Bake Oven brings to many minds countless hours of working away on every kind of “baked good” imaginable for your guests. Launched back in 1963, the Easy-Bake Oven made quick work at establishing itself as an iconic toy that would keep kids entertained for hours on end. Who really knows how many future chefs claim their roots in being inspired by the Easy-Bake Oven.

11. Furby Toys

An image of a Furby toy.
onourshelf/via youtube.com

Tiger Electronics truly disrupted the wild world of toys in the year of 1998 with their introduction of the electronic pet, Furby. Furby was made to feature (vaguely unsettling) blinking eyes paired with the ability to speak. You could pick up a Furby for the whopping price of $35.00 as well. The ’90s in particular were especially flooded by Furby.

12. Lincoln Logs

John Lloyd Wright unleashed the infamous Lincoln Logs into the world back in 1916. The Lincoln Logs were actually inspired by the interlocking design that was featured in a Japanese hotel that was created by his father, Frank Lloyd Wright. The toy logs would go on to provide countless households with an endless supply of entertainment.

13. Skip-It

An image of a kid playing with a Skip-It toy.
wiifermadness/via youtube.com

Back during the 1990s, the Skip-It made its big splash on the scene. The toy provided kids with the ability to get some healthy exercise in while also being its own kind of interactive game. Tiger Electronics really crushed it with this one. Plus, they sold each Skip-It for $12.99. So, people weren’t deterred by the price tag.

14. Teddy Ruxpin

A close-up image of the Teddy Ruxpin toy.
mark precilla/via youtube.com

Teddy Ruxpin was certainly a curveball in the world of toys back during the 1980s. The storytelling bear could really spin a yarn. Ruxpin ended up being bought and put to work to tell stories in households near and far. Anyone who had a Teddy Ruxpin toy in their home growing up, could probably even tell you the premise of one of Teddy Ruxpin’s tales.

15. Tamagotchi

An image of a Tamagotchi toy.
commercial break room/via youtube.com

Oh the ’90s, what a stretch of years those surely were. The Tamagotchi toys certainly made their mark. The Tamagotchi toy took its origins in Japan. Each toy was an egg-shaped keychain that had built into it a virtual pet. This was next-level at the time, and truly impressive. Each virtual pet needed its proper share of attention, food, and love. Kids were provided an outlet to help cultivate the appreciation for being responsible with another virtual life.

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