There’s a painful amount of truth in the sentiment that the folks who make the most noise in a room, are really the ones who are also the most clueless. The blindness of pure ignorance knows no bounds. We’ve all found ourselves miserably entrenched in a conversation with a disagreeable human being who is incapable of embracing any new idea outside of whatever confused perspective they have. It can be rough. The folks that made this list are in a league of their own. Do they assume they’re the smartest beings to walk the earth? Absolutely. Are they? Let’s go with a hard no, in every sense of the word.
1. “Finally Einstein’s equation has been improved.”

“This is hilarious whether it’s satire or not.” – u/DJKneecap
“Reminds me of the time I cracked time travel at age 9 by coming up with the idea of combining a computer and a watch.” – u/PancakeParty98
2. “Can you believe the audacity of this guy showing his work?”

“Ha! What a moronic dinklebottom. I could have solved it without my mind.” – u/deleted
“I see integral, I cry.” – u/Dr_Ugs
3. “Enjoying music is for stupid people.”

“What would it even mean to hate music? Like any music is painful for you to listen to?” – u/jeremymia
Yeah, you’ve really got to wonder with a troubled heart exactly what their logic was with this hot take. I mean, talk about a scolding hot take at that.
4. “Probably not even true.”

“Not physically possible. I’m sure his parents clapped afterwards.” – u/erichlee9
“The “family microwave” he is referring to is the sticker on the plastic kitchen play set that his sister got for Christmas one year.” – u/Dynasuarez_Wrecks
5. “Engineer gets owned by a very smart person.”

“This just reminds me how much I hate it when people use acronyms or initialisms without ever writing the whole thing out even once. It happens a lot in discussions about movies, or games or hobbies generally, and even as an enthusiast, I still get lost.” – u/Redditngneckbeard
6. “I live for posts like this.”

“That 0 like/47 comment ratio tho.” – u/funnyyoshi
“A criticism of Sherlock that sticks with me is that it’s a show about smart people but is written by people who, well, aren’t- so they treat intelligence as if it were magic.” – u/AgreeablePie
7. “High IQ Harvard student wants everyone to know how much of a natural at chess he is.”

“So someone correct me if I’m wrong since it’s been a few years since I’ve played chess in a tournament capacity, but I remember 1200 being pretty low.” – u/Load_Altruistic
“Under 2000 ELO Blitz is considered a beginner at OTB tournaments, they let you enter the beginner section.” – u/deleted
8. “Well akschewally.”

“If he wasn’t being so condescending this would have been like finding a Snapple cap in the comments.” – u/agentpurplek1
“Look, the Grand Word Council decided all the meanings and spellings of the words back in ancient times, and any deviation is simply you not understanding what the Grand Word Council said, or being too lazy to heed their dictates.” – u/Serge_Suppressor
9. “This comeback gave me a chuckle.”

“A lot of people struggled with it.” – u/530SSSate
“Reminds me of when my ex complained that it was so hard that his advisor said he was one of the smartest students he’d ever had. All while I had terrible impostor syndrome in the same program.” – u/actuallywasian
10. “Mmhmm, right.”

“They read the 9th/10th grade required reading list by 18?! Amazing! I bet they graduated high school by 25. So smart!” – u/Trollygag
“It’s the way he I’am alright.” – u/Doormatty
11. “Phraseage coiner.”

“Slow think make bigger thought.” – u/Secure-Bus4679
“In this moment, I am euphoric.” – u/machupikacchu
12. “Oh, wow.”

Every now and again you stumble upon a post on the internet that comes from so far out in left field, you just literally have no idea what to do about it. This is definitely one of those times.”Every now and again you stumble upon a post on the internet that comes from so far out in left field, you just literally have no idea what to do about it. This is definitely one of those times.
13. “Not a bad reason to take an exit.”

Wow, get that. They got the legit banning for their big brains. That’s when you know you’ve really peaked on an intellectual level. Life must be plain old brutal for them. You’ve really got to feel for them.
14. “Wow, that’s a deep cut.”

Yes, clearly a great reason to go about making your own sayings. If you ever needed a reason, just follow this person’s lead. They clearly know exactly what they’re doing.
15. “Most Apple customers are stupid. Except for OP.”

“Guy should’ve just said storage.” – u/olivebranch949
“The majority of people who use IQ to determine intelligence are stupid. Exept me, my IQ is 280.” – u/FarComfortable980
16. “Jesus Christ dude.”

“Exactly the person these ads are targeting.” – u/Brass_dinosaur
“IQ 160, EQ 80.” – u/Trollygag
17. “Bored math genius that learns digits of Pi and so advanced that he writes his own questions at school.”

“i like how someone said how he isn’t alone so he had to brag more to not look average or whatever.” – u/lazydonkey25
Yeah, this person really doubled down on their whole bragging stance. Just a bit of a yikes all around if you ask me.
18. “I genuinely can’t stand this kind of response to someone who doesn’t like the same TV show you like.”

“Also for being “so smart” they used the wrong their.” – u/Unusual-Advantage-25
Yeah. I mean they pretty much outed themselves for having a monstrously big brain with that smooth misspelling.
19. “You just don’t get it because you’re not intelligent like me.”

Isn’t that just the best? You find yourself going toe to toe with a blatantly ignorant human being, and then they clap back with a bit about you lacking the necessary intelligence to understand them in the first place. Seriously, the worst.
20. “Ever one doesn’t gets it.”

“Inception isn’t that hard to follow if you just pay attention. Half the movie is just explaining the entire concept repeatedly to make sure the audience gets it.” – u/Heavy_Signature_5619
21. “Lmao smart.”

“He watched a video on intro to derivatives and thinks he peaked.” – u/McQuibbly
“A harvard will require a lot more than understanding basic 8 grade math, kid.” – u/usernot_found
22. “Guy spends his days reading revolutionary theories.”

“Ted talks is mostly feel good make yourself a wonderful person dribble.” – u/cecilmeyer
“There are lots of revolutionary theories about phenomenal.” – u/Veblen1
23. “When someone asks about the dumbest thing that someone has ever said to you.”

“I bet like 99% of his “corrections” were either adding superfluous details or just saying the teacher was wrong because they explained things in a different (and probably better) way than the textbook.” – u/Serge_Suppressor