Some people prefer to play it safe in life, and yet some choose to do quite the opposite. Listen, we’re all for getting a job done efficiently, but just where does that line fall between risk and reward? These situations certainly test the OSHA boundaries, and we can’t decide whether we’d rather watch and see what happens or turn a blind eye and pretend we never saw these things.
1. “Grandpa’s asbestos tin.”

“I think someone’s grandpa’s dynamite stash in a shed was on here this week; you could combine it with this to solve two problems.” – u/DDmikeyDD
“I immediately checked to see if it was the same grandpa.” – u/ex-farm-grrl
2. “I found an electrician wearing this.”

“I called OSHA, and they came out and threw him right down the trash chute.” – u/RandomCreeper3
“It’s to discharge the electricity.” – u/zagiki
3. “Safety Standards in 1960”

“The standard was ‘hold on tight.'” – u/Hail-_-Michigan
“In 1960, people were smart enough to hang on as if their life depended upon it.” – u/ziddina
4. “Got canned yesterday for pointing out this massive violation.”

“That is the easiest win of your life. Lawyer up.” – u/AvanteGardens
“Hopefully, you TAPED the conversation!” – u/RayT-NC
5. “The Smoking Area has been moved.”

“Quickest way to quit smoking” – u/Lost_Minds_Think
“Good thing they thought to put a barrier there, just in case.” – u/M——
6. “How do you like my new balcony?”

“I see the problem. It’s missing a hot tub and bbq.” – u/Xeno_man
“If you’re looking for advice, I would add a large life insurance policy to all other residents. Then you should be good to go.” – u/stardustlife
7. “This branch didn’t hold its own weight, but I guess it will hold this propped-up concrete lid.”

“OSHA, The O is for Organic” – u/CySnark
“Yea, nah I’m not going down there boss.” – u/JIMMYJAWN
8. “Someone Ordered a New Door?”

“It’s the tape keeping the rear window shut that seals the deal.” – u/OutOfNoMemory
“If only there was some sort of large cargo carrying area on that truck, they could have put the door there instead. Oh well.” – u/Itisd
9. “Construction workers at EPCOT, Disneyworld, early 1980s.”

“Not a safety harness in sight. Just people, living in the moment.” – u/JesusStarbox
“Huh, good thing Florida isn’t known for storms or sudden changes in weather, right? Otherwise, this would be pretty dangerous.” – u/Necrikus
10. “This will go swimmingly”

“The “cost of draining the pool is greater than potential human catastrophe” kind of people.” – u/PeopleStink777
“Do they get points for creativity? lol” – u/Memory_Less
11. “What’s this for?”

“The answer will shock you…..” – u/The-Bloody9
“Testing the response time of your local fire department.” – u/Mr_Gaslight
12. “Saw this outside my office today, what a lovely place to relax before starting the job.”

“Psh, like you’ve never taken a wood chipper nap before.” – u/ashbelero
“It’s ok, it’s made to grind up trees, not people.” – u/ILove2Bacon
13. “The more you look, the worse it gets”

“At least the lower roof will break his fall.” – u/Laceysjorgen
“I can’t think of a single thing that could go wrong.” – u/Wisco_Version59
14. “Shockingly dumb placement”

“This is like the maximum level of Not My Job by SOOO many people.” – u/theDigitalNinja
“Probably 1 person: the flipper who said “wow, I should add a bathroom right here in this utility closet” – u/Mammyminer
15. “What my grandpa was using to change photos above the stairs.”

“Is he trying to get a new hip? Cause that’s how grandpas get new hips!” – u/SNCOSEEKSTHICCLATINA
“Your grandpa is a genius, I can’t see any way this could end badly.” – u/DieHardAmerican95
16. “What’s the fastest way to get workers on a roof?”

“You’ll have to toss me.” – u/Mclmaus
“Have they tried… a ladder?” – u/YesAmAThrowaway
17. “It would violate the regulation to operate without appropriate light”

“Hey, using safety pins so it must be safe, right?” – u/knightsotor
“This is so brilliantly stupid, I love it!” – u/brainwater314
18. “How are they going to find the fault?”

“They don’t. Clearly they just keep the faulty line and add a new one to the jungle as god intended.” – u/DoomslayerDoesOPU
“I can’t see the fault in this design.” – u/reidzen
19. “EXIT”

“Exit for the Kool-Aid Man” – u/RepresentativeKeebs
“Look for the secret lever. Maybe squeeze the handle on the fire extinguisher” – u/ALazy_Cat