The 1970s was a wild mix of cultural revolutions, musical breakthroughs, political scandals, and unforgettable films. This collection of photos captures the essence of the decade—the fashion, the trends, the moments that made the ’70s both iconic and unpredictable. While we couldn’t possibly cover the entire decade in one gallery, we’ve done our best to showcase the era beyond its biggest celebrities—though some of its legends are simply unavoidable.
So hop in our time machine, and let’s rewind to the ‘70s.
“Farrah Fawcett at a charity tennis match, 1976.”

“Dolly Parton in the 70s, offstage, relaxed, and looking simply angelic.”

“Me riding motocross in 1976”

“My grandma in the 70s”

“Dodge Ram Street Van at the beach, 1976.”

“My dad was a Canadian hippy in the 70s traveling the world. Here he is in the Middle East.”

“My brother, in the mid-70s, about to fly on an airplane for the first time.”

“My dad before the prom. His brother is a professional photographer and got this legendary photo”

“My dads fishing license from the late 70s”

“My uncle Mart sometime in the 70s. Had no clue what that plant was until I was older”

“Lynda Carter pre-Wonder Woman in the 70s”

“Came across this photo of my dad in the 70s with his mustang”

“My mom and Arnold on a date in the 70s.”

“Getting serious helmet-less air in the San Fernando Valley circa mid-70s”

“My Italian grandpa’s selfie with his dog in the 70s.”

“My dad right before breaking his collar bone on my uncle’s bike, that he took without asking.”

“My uncle Nick used to look exactly like Ryan Reynolds when he was a West Virginia coal miner in the 70s”

“My grandad in the 70s on the set of Star Wars in Tunisia preparing food for the crew”

“My mom at her first job in the late 70s looking a lot like Paris Hilton”

“My dad and his partner while they were undercover. This picture was taken after they stopped a bank robbery”

“New York in the 70s”

“Charles Bronson and Jill Ireland, the definition of Old School Cool”

“Weird Al Yankovic in Puerto Rico in the early 70s”

“Muhammad Ali letting his fans win fights in the 60s-70s”

“My dad in the 70s doing what he loves. Father to 4 boys. More man than myth or legend”

“My 17-year-old uncle’s junior yearbook photo in the 70s”

“Phil Collins in the 70s looking like he would be the hottest indie hip hop artist in 2018”

“My late father at age 18 in the late 70s”

“Carrie Fisher in the late 70s”

“The Runaways in the late 70s”

“Mom’s senior portrait in the 70s”

“My dad rockin’ the heck out of those bell bottoms in the late 70s. Wagon included.”

“My uncle fighting Jackie Chan in the 70s”

“Michelle Pfeiffer in the late 70s”

“My dad in Saudi Arabia in the 70s working as a US military contractor diving in the Red Sea”

“My grandpa (in the middle) with some of his army buddies at a bar in the 70s”

“My dad who still rides dirt bikes will always be the coolest guy I’ll ever know”

“Roller Girl (70s)”

“The funny-looking kid #10 changed his last name to Cruise and did okay”

“My dad in the 70s”

“My dad chatting with some kids by his police cruiser in the early 70s”

“Alice Cooper meets Colonel Sanders in the early 70s”

“My dad (front) in Vietnam in 1971. Didn’t know this photo existed until I came across it randomly on the internet. he cried when he saw it”

“Arrested protestors of the Vietnam war in 1971”

“I thought he was born with gray hair. Steven Martin in 1971”

“Gene Wilder (Willy Wonka) talking with Jack Albertson (Grandpa Joe) on the studio lot during the filming of Willy Wonka”

“Hollywood sign prank in 1976”

“13-year-old Melanie Griffith with her pet lion Neil in 1971.”

“At the Arcade in 1979”

“My uncle (far right) in 1972”

“1972 ABC Friday Night TV listing”

“Lyndon Johnson post-presidency with longer hair during an interview in August 1972”

“John Wayne dressed as the Easter Bunny in 1972 on Laugh-In”

Star Wars Opening day May 25th, 1977

“Grandma was a punk (1977)”

“Chris Farley’s hockey team portrait from 1977 at age 13”

“Gene Simmons with his mother backstage in 1977”

“Darth Vader showing off his 1977 Toyota Celica to R2-D2 and C-3PO”

“Steve Martin hosting the Muppet Show was a highlight of my waning childhood”

“Woman grocery shopping in 1974”

“Jane Goodall with her favorite Chimpanzee, David Greybeard, 1974”

“J.C. Penny ad from 1974”

“Ozzy Osbourne, 1974”

“Our Aunt on a dirt bike in 1974”

“Captain of my neighborhood in 74”

“John Wayne introducing his song to Joe Namath”

“High schoolers in 1976”

“Andre The Giant in 1976”

“Harlem, 1976”

“Monty Python, 1976”

“My mom working as a DJ in 1979”

“My uncle on the set of Monty Python’s ‘Life of Brian'”

“George Strait playing my aunt’s wedding in 1976. He and the band were paid $500”

“Debbie Harry, 1978”

“Carrie Fisher listening to Mark Hamill’s first son, 1979”

“Billy Dee on the set of The Empire Strikes Back”

“My dad applying mime makeup, circa 1975”

“Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford in NYC in 1979”

“Bryan Cranston with his cousin Fredrick Taft during an RV trip in 1977.”

“Hall and Oates in 1976”

“Robert De Niro and Gérard Depardieu on the set of Novecento (1976)”