Not everyone is operating on the same frequency. In fact, some people are so terrifyingly clueless it’s a wonder that they’re able to “operate” at all. These dumb-dumbs are in a league of awe-inspiring mindlessness of their own. If you’ve ever been miserably entrenched in a conversation with someone who reminds you of anyone, anyone at all, from this list, we feel for you.
1. “Normal people are exhausting to be around when you’re so deep.”

“Having a social intelligence deficit is not virtuous.” – u/Hundo
“Immediately follows it up with a deep and weird laughter emoji.” – u/Harsimaja
2. “Don’t know who asked, but cool.”

“That’s so deep that the author would be out of their depth in a parking lot puddle.” – u/berserk539
“Cringe.” – u/nateblack
3. “Don’t watch Barbie. Read a banned book instead.”

“Right, wouldn’t want to rot your brain watching a movie. Go to Facebook instead.” – u/OneSmoothCactus
“Do both things.” – u/epithemeus
4. “Very very smart.”

“I mean, to be fair, Harvard has lost so much credibility I probably could to. Provided enough cash to afford it.” – u/eviltoaster
“Harvard will require a lot more understanding than basic 8th grade math, kid.” – u/usernot_found
5. “At least I’m not one of those 131’s.”

“I love this imaginary universe where everyone knows their exact IQ scores and it matters so much.” – u/stu
“So intelligent. Yet, she doesn’t understand how to write plurals.” – u/Absolute
6. “Guy spends his days reading revolutionary theories.”

“TED Talks is mostly feel good make yourself a wonderful person dribble.” – u/cecilmeyer
“There are lots of revolutionary theories about our phenomenal.” – u/Veblen1
7. “What is the dumbest thing anyone has ever said to you.”

“I used to be this kid, and then someone pointed out that correcting a lecturer in front of the class was a bad move. So, I stopped.” – u/Fire_exit_this_way
“Okay, but genuinely my English teacher always said guillotine wrong and it annoyed me to no end.” – u/NewChard2213
8. “Someone tried to be smart in the comments.”

“This is just generally a poorly written problem.” – u/kvothetyrion
“As someone who does math for a living, this makes me really sad.” – u/deleted
9. “This guy plays chess.”

“I love checkers.” – u/thinkB4weSpeak
“Chess isn’t really considered a smart people hobby. So, this isn’t really him being smart.” – u/deleted
10. “Doe, a deer, a female deer!”

“Wow, as an uneducated person, I thought the deer’s name really was Jane!” – u/rayshmayshmay
“That’s not what editing means.” – u/NoMomo
11. “On a video about an Oblivion remake.”

“That’s a stupid opinion but he’s not claiming to be the smart one.” – u/MrTritonis
“Real world issues are already solved. But no one wants to pay for the solutions. Might as well game until the world burns.” – u/imPaprik
12. “Come on guys, he’s just trying to be helpful.”

“I thought people with high IQs would know how to pluralize.” – u/JustDroppedBytoSay
“The pretentiousness is strong with this one.” – u/chaoticidealism
13. “Guy assumes he’s smart because he can make an Excel spreadsheet.”

“You don’t understand. I can’t speak with my peers who are slightly younger than me. This makes me highly employable.” – u/Panndademic
“To be fair, I’ve met a lot of people who don’t know how to use Excel.” – u/Anonynominous
14. “Can’t sleep again.”

“Word salad activate!” – u/jdehjdeh
“Twice as long as zero is still zero.”– u/OJStrings
15. “He’s currently taking remedial algebra at a community college.”

“I’m just glad they’re stoked on math.” – u/rat395
“Everybody step back. I need to focus. I’m inventing!” – u/Haky00
16. “He was but 10 years old and realized this.”

“One of the Peter Pan movies also does this by giving the role of the father and Captain Hook to the same actor.” – u/Jaibamon
“I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t realize this until now.” – u/MarieJo94
17. “Not even the elementary schools are safe from them.”

“This is literally right out of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.” – u/lokiapologist
“Kids get a pass. Especially hilarious kids like this one.” – u/deleted
18. “I really hope my friend was being sarcastic with these messages.”

“I am superior!” – u/deleted
“Your messages look cool though.” – u/dan2580
19. “No time for culture.”

“Little does he know that all Game of Thrones fans are also calculating the very same possibilities.” – u/nonglory
“Physicist here. I have no idea what he’s talking about.” – u/Calzel
20. “I want to delete his account.”

“I initially read this as meaning he knows them personally. It was much better that way.” – u/trouvant
“What a fool. A true genius would know that the US only has had one president.” – u/Delduca