The job seekers world can be a tough and terribly overwhelming one. It’s terrifyingly easy to get lost in the mountains of applications that are being submitted by other candidates for that next job that you can’t stop thinking about. To make matters worse, some of the responses that are sent out after you’ve spent hours of your time on a job application, are heartless. However, misery loves company, and maybe these people’s own frustrating moments while trying to secure their next jobs will make you feel a bit better.
1. “I had to take a walk after this.”

“Can’t imagine why there would be an opening at this place. Seems like a lovely environment to work in.” – u/Al_C
“Well that escalated quickly.” – u/sparkour84
2. “The ultimate GlassDoor interview review.”

“Even if it’s a troll, it’s not far off from real life.” – u/Ok-Scallion-3415
“The whole position of a Vice CEO is a new one.” – u/brentexander
3. “Both petty and satisfying.”

“Now this is how it should be done.” – u/Brar-iar
“More people should respond like this.” – u/deleted
4. “This comes in after their fifth interview.”
![An email message reads: "Hi [name redacted], Would you have capacity to do a small 2 week project in the coming weeks? We would like to assess your ability to rapidly pick up things beyond your knowledge and use new tools quickly. Best, [sender's name redacted]".](
“No no, unfortunately that’s not messing with you at all in this day and age.” – u/BitterFuture
“Sure, my 1099 rate is $350 an hour. Go ahead and send over a contract.” – u/mfreed
5. “Guess my interview wasn’t that memorable.”

“Just, seriously, uncool.” – u/LeafBird
“Seems like they’re in need of a reminder.” – u/DoltLive247
6. “Someone’s in need of a performance review.”

“I’ve had this happen, and I was literally already on the payroll.” – u/ladycielphantsa
“This is a reminder to not let hiring managers or recruiters get to you, because they really can sometimes be this clueless.” – u/deleted
7. “Employer responds rapidly.”

“And the nerve to set up an interview with a three hour notice too.” – u/IndecisiveRex
“Just respond a year later about how you weren’t able to make it.” – u/Masithe
8. “Using a bot in the interview process is extra.”

“Oh, it must be Salary that I’m talking to.” – u/a-Complete_loss
“Salary Range is quite the powerful name, indeed.” – u/SpiritRatio5489
9. “And they would still find a way to question that gap.”

“Gaps in resumes are almost always something very personal.” – u/dontsentmebro
“More likely the algorithm would key in on the word break and just toss the resume altogether.” – u/deleted
10. “Sick of people who think like this.”

“If that person ever has to reenter the workforce, then they are in for a rude awakening.” – u/lianavan
“Might as well go ahead and walk into Google today to apply.” – u/Striking-Ostrich-222
11. “This might win the gold medal for being the most out of touch.”

“So my last job search would’ve cost me $5,660. Sweet.” – u/PompousAssistant
“All I need is a refund if I’m not chosen.” – u/spiritofasdadf
12. “Thanks Karen.”

“This is the way that it should be in my opinion.” – u/azwildcat74
“Maybe don’t Karen her after all.” – u/anaera555
13. “This is a new level of gross.”

“Best to run for the hills.” – u/missionignition
“This is just the epitome of wow.” – u/rayquazarising
14. “Competitive salary.”

“This just nails it.” – u/Catfish_Egyptologist
“If everybody pays minimum wage then minimum wage becomes competitive wage.” – u/Evgobulon
15. “No words.”

“This is the literal reason that they need a secretary.” – u/Smel_qls
“Maybe you should move on to the next.” – u/Icy_Koala_019
16. “Just looking for over 10 years of React experience.”

“Love this. What a foolish recruiter indeed.” – u/Realistic-Net7779
“Oh that’s great, some of the founders are still there.” – u/Artasxislq
17. “Oh no, no they did not.”

“Cover letters should just be banned at this point.” – u/G-dAwpiojs
“Yeah, I just don’t bother anymore.” – u/deleted
18. “Seems appropriate.”

“Accurate information.” – u/Few-Perspective-2672
“That’s why you must lie in your resume.” – u/Adolfodow
19. “You’ve got to love these salary ranges.”

“It can’t be that bad if the job is offering up to $900K though right.” – u/ChillDude22322
“The lowest salary on here is more than I have ever made with a job.” – u/deleted
20. “10 years of experience, and they’ll definitely never find better.”

“Don’t ruin your life for a job. Everyone is replaceable.” – u/Sea-Cow9982
“It’s crazy how fast those applicants pools can fill up.” – u/Denianode
21. “This is pretty much finding a job in 2024.”

“Boomers are getting upset over not being able to pay peanuts over going the extra mile.” – u/0xatilla
“There is a labor shortage, however it’s focused in healthcare, hospitality, and retail.” – u/VeganTravels