It may be the case that there’s no reason to make a tiny water bottle. What are you going to do with it? Have a tiny bottle to drink one sip out of? No, these tiny objects are made purely for personal amusement, and we’re here for it. Whether it’s a tiny roll of tape you could never use, or a water bottle that holds less than an ounce, here are 30 unusually small objects for ants.
1. Miniature scotch tape for ants to fix up their colony.

2. Hey, ants have to shave too.

3. Someone’s making stuffed animals for ants, and we’re loving it.

4. We didn’t know ants used nail polish.

5. Farming ants produce their own carrots.

6. These adorable tiny birds, are for ants?

7. Ants deserve to try M&Ms too.

8. Whoever has fingers nimble enough to craft this, we applaud you.

9. Woah, a molcajete for ants? We bet you didn’t know it was called that.

10. This cute little walkie-talkie needed to be included.

11. A gaming console for ants.

12. This ant samurai must have been a savage.

13. We could actually see this tiny exacto knife coming in handy.

14. Ants are out here writing novels now? Okay ants we see you.

15. Surely these were put in this store for ants.

16. Ants have to store their food too you know.

17. This lipstick is so tiny the camera can’t even focus on it.

18. Ant Van Gogh lives inside this woman’s house.

u/eatmetalaroace/via reddit
19. Ants deserve to try pizza too, we’re feeding the whole colony with this slice.

20. We heard ants love gummy bears.

21. What is this, ant man for ants?

22. This ant dropped his key to the colony.

23. Apparently, ants watch movies. CDs for ants.

24. Ants are producing their own peanut butter now.

25. We were actually told ants love puzzles.

26. Ants need friends too.

27. In case you didn’t know, ants actually read at a pretty high level.

28. Ants haven’t quite upgraded to cell phones yet, they still use phonographs.

29. Here’s a controller for that gaming console earlier.

30. There’s actually some serious innovations gong on in the colony.