In this day and age it’s easier than ever to willingly or completely unconsciously distract ourselves with nothing short of a reckless abandon. Seriously, with so many apps and bits of information all vying for your attention, you can easily overlook the very things that should or at least could be of grave concern. A recent Reddit thread has folks sharing what they view as various disasters that are likely to happen that we really all should worry a bit about.
1. The New Madrid Fault in Missouri

“A powerful earthquake along the New Madrid Fault in Missouri.” – u/additionalsoftware4
2. The collapse of ocean fisheries

“The ocean fisheries will collapse. Yesterday’s trash species are today’s featured catch of the day, will be tomorrow’s memory. Harvesting is occurring at unsustainable rates while environmental degradation is steadily reducing habitat and forage ranges.” – u/mildorwild65
3. The rapid decline of insects

“An often overlooked disaster is the rapid decline of insects, especially pollinators such as bees. Although bee extinction is not immediate, it could have a significant impact on global food resources, ecosystems and biodiversity. Without these pollinators, many crops would fail, leading to food shortages and economic disruption. But this important issue has not received enough attention.” – u/apprehensivelie1591
4. The Cascadia Subduction Zone

“The Cascadia Subduction Zone off the coast of the Pacific Northwest will rip again. Depending on the specifics, it will be a really bad day, or an utterly catastrophic day, for the PNW. That will be from the earthquake itself and from the subsequent tsunami. It rips every several hundred years and the last one was in the year 1700.” – u/equivalent_delays_97
5. Large scaling farming practices

“Most large scaling farming practices are non renewable. Like we need to continuously find new ways to farm things or we won’t be able to grow food anywhere near the scale we do now.” – u/larikang
6. Methane buildup

“The amount of methane and other gases that are bubbling up from the arctic is alot more than previously thought. Greenhouse gases on steroids.” – u/diegler74
7. Antibiotics resistance

“Antibiotic resistance and the emergence not only of super bugs, but pan drug resistant bacteria. Reports say that by year 2050, deaths by infections caused by super bugs will be one of the leading causes of mortality.” – u/g4bkun
8. Microplastics

“Microplastics. Its being found everywhere in our environment and is already being discovered in the blood/tissues of wildlife and humans. Scientists dont even know what the long term health effects of this will be. I am betting on it being nothing good.” – u/ajaxrex
9. The end of curling

“We’re running out of the mineral that curling stones are made out of. Eventually we won’t be able to enjoy curling at all in it’s current form. The winter Olympics will never be the same.” – u/tmsods
10. Extreme heat and humidity

“There is going to be a serious disaster when you get very high humidity and temperature, it’s called a wet bulb event. Death rates in that city will be very high and if it hits Mecca during the Hajj the death rate will be astronomical.” – u/keybutterscotch1009
11. Solar flare induced blackout

“Solar flare-induced blackout. A massive solar storm could fry electrical grids and satellites, causing a global communications and power blackout.” – u/desperateraccoon740
12. The dawn of deep fakes

“Deep fakes. You may think you can tell the difference now, but as it gets more sophisticated you’re not going to be any better at identifying it than your grandparents. What will the world be like when we can’t trust anything we see or hear? What will happen when anyone can make a video of you saying anything they want or deny the terrible things they are doing by simply saying it is a seek fake of them? I sincerely believe the consequences will be the end of humanity as we know it.” – u/buttonsmcboombo
13. Quantum computers

“We will have quantum computers. When that happens there is going to be massive implications given that it cracks modern encryption. Even if we move to encryption that isn’t crackable by quantum computers, all the data that existed prior will be able to be unencrypted so all the current data that governments and bad actors have squirreled away and stored, waiting to be able to mass decrypt it, will be available to them.” – u/sixhaunt
14. The Big One in Northern Utah

“The Big One in northern Utah. We live on/near a fault line that rarely produces earthquakes. A 5.4 with a ton of aftershocks happened, so some awareness has been raised, but there’s countless buildings/structures in Salt Lake County alone that will collapse in an earthquake.” – u/girlmakalksn
15. Doctors shortage

“It’s been written about but no one I speak to, even in my hospital, realize it. A very worrying doctor shortage. Not only were there simply more boomers, but they’re also aging out and will now need more intensive medical care.” – u/kileydmusic