Squirrels are our fuzzy little friends, and people can’t seem to decide if they’re adorable, or vermin. These jittery little guys move at a million miles an hour and can scale trees like it is literally their job. Our only question is, if these little guys are constantly scurrying around, how can some be so insanely fat that they are almost unrecognizable as a squirrel? We hope you enjoy these little guys as much as we do, here are 20 massive squirrels that prove our reality is tarnished.
1. He’s almost as wide as the wheel.

2. Did you know squirrels could be pets?

3. This little guy is still eating away, shameless as could be.

4. That branch is definitely about to break.

5. Nuts don’t do the trick anymore, he eats toffee.

6. Quit stuffing your face and hit the track bud.

7. It’s a seriously unfortunate turn of events, to lose a waffle to a squirrel.

8. You just know that fence is struggling.

9. He’s really contemplating his life choices.

10. It looks more like a gargoyle than a squirrel.

11. How does he have the strength to climb a tree?

12. Someone needs to stop this madness.

13. He could really use a break, we’ll lay off this guy.

14. Rumor has it he could move when he first went in, but he got too chubby from eating and he’s stuck now.

15. No wonder he’s so plump, he’s eating nuggets.

16. He’s bigger than the pumpkin.

17. It’s hilarious how he rests his arms on his stomach like uncles at a barbeque.

18. He’s trying to hide half of his body to seem slimmer.

19. Do you really think you need that slice pal?

20. Imagine being on a hike and finding this guy giving you this look.