Life will pass you by quicker than you even realize until you start coming upon numerous harsh truths. It’s funny how oftentimes the most profound bits of wisdom present themselves later in our lives. With that being said, there’s something about hitting 30 years old, and the years that quickly follow that, that seems filled with life lessons. These are some of the harsh truths that people have realized upon hitting 30 years old.
1. Your Time and Energy are Finite

If only we could somehow reverse the inevitable process that seems to be an energy drainage as we grow older. Gone are the days when we could spring out of bed with childlike enthusiasm for what the day would yet bring. Instead, it’s more so a process of assessing what new pains and aches have developed overnight.
2. Your Parents’ Time is Limited

Of course, as you grow older the likelihood that you’ll know someone close to you who ends up passing away heightens substantially. So make sure you take that time (if it’s relevant to your life situation) to let your parents know that you love them.
3. People Will Always Gossip in Life

This world’s always going to have its share of gossipers. Some people are just hardwired to want to talk ill of other people that aren’t there to defend themselves in the first place. Then you’ll have the other people that love to get lost in other people’s life dramas to avoid confronting their own.
4. It’s Time to Think About Pensions and/or Retirement Funds

Seriously though. Depending on your career field, you’ll really want to make that extra effort to not have to worry about standing on your feet all day, or typing away on a keyboard with arthritic hands later in your life.
5. Commit to Consistent Medical and Blood Tests

Your body’s susceptibility to developing one nasty illness/condition or another will seemingly spike as you grow older. So, do what you can to take your physicals and general check-ins with your doctor and your dentist seriously. Your body will thank you, and you might just end up prolonging your life far more than you could’ve imagined.
6. Be More Open With Your Feelings

Sharing your feelings and hardships with those around you isn’t a weakness. In fact, you can create that sacred space for someone who’s a perfect stranger or close friend, to feel comfortable enough to open up with you about what’s haunting them. Those connections are memorable moments in one’s life journey.,
7. Boundaries and Peace of Mind Go Together

Telling someone “no” doesn’t require a backstory. Those two letters are enough by when taken together. If you have someone in your life who seems to have an issue with you setting boundaries, it could be high time to consider stronger boundaries.
8. Observe People’s Actions, Not What They Say

Some people will spew out all kinds of wordy promises and half-truths to try and get their way. Sure, listen to whatever it is they’re saying, but then watch how they carry themselves. The actions are the sometimes bitter truths about a person’s character.
9. Stick With The People That Tell You Uncomfortable Truths

We should all have that one friend who never has an issue with telling us like it is when we would rather hear nothing of it. We can be blind to our own shortcomings and issues. A friend that tells you the uncomfortable truths, in a respectful way, is worth keeping around.
10. Consistency Sets People Apart

This rings so true. That person you may know that gets themselves into the gym 5 days a week, or always seems to have their finger on the pulse of an exciting new job lead in spite of already having a job, is doing it different in the best way. Never settling, and remaining consistent while on that path can inspire great results.
11. Nobody Has It All

Anyone who is trying to give the impression that they have it all is doing so to potentially cover up some serious areas of pain in their life. Life seems like its built to balance itself out with the peaks and the valleys. Yes, it’d be nice to have it all, but how long would that really last before some obstacle came along?
12. Water Your Friendships

Just like we’ve got to water our wonderful plant friends, we’ve also got to “water” our friendships with the attention and time they deserve. These could be quick calls, texts, Facetimes, or actual hangouts in person. They go a long way, and friendships that don’t benefit from these gestures can dissipate quickly.