Contortionists never cease to amaze. Contortion is the act of twisting and bending your body into absolutely insane shapes that people don’t naturally bend into. It is one of the most difficult and honestly mind blowing arts there is today. Seeing someone tie themselves into an actual knot, or be able to scratch their head upside down with their feet, is surely a sight to see. Not only is contortion extremely hard, it is dangerous as well. Moves such as the Marinelli bend can end in serious injury and sometimes even fatal injury. Get ready to be grossed out and amazed at the same time. Here are 20 contortionists that prove some people don’t have bones.
1. This took a second for our eyes to tell us what’s going on

2. Her spine is literally made of rubber

3. Her elbows must be raw after doing this on a rock

4. We can already hear the knees cracking

5. We can’t tell if we love or hate this photo

6. Imagine this crawling at you when you head to the bathroom at night

Of all the contortionist images this one probably takes the grand prize for being the most oddly terrifying. All the respect to them, but wow. Just wow.
7. Well he looks comfortable

8. That dog has no idea his human is breaking her spine right now

9. One of these classes and we wouldn’t be able to move for a week

10. Excuse us sir, your leg is not supposed to do that

11. How are these people doing all of this on hard surfaces?

12. It’s such a flex being able to do this wherever you go

13. This 8 year old has a chin of steel

14. How is this even possible?

15. Her spine is literally bending at a 90 degree angle

16. Not only is she doing a split, she’s doing it in the air

17. After only a year, she achieved this level of flexibility

18. She must have an itch on her head

19. How can she do that with a smile?

20. The Marinelli bend is one of the most amazing and disgusting things we’ve ever seen from contortionists.