There is loads of evidence on the internet showing that we are not alone in this universe. Whether that evidence has been tampered with, or if it’s truly organic, is unknown. Early in the 2000s, if you believed in aliens, people would call you a conspiracy theorist or a weirdo. Now, almost half of the population in America believes in life in space. Whether or not these photos are completely real, they are still interesting, and even fun to look at. Here are 17 photos that show aliens might just exist.
1. A supposed photo of the same UFO taken years apart.

2. Do you think the Mexico UFO hearing is a hoax?

3. Do you think this UFO at Manchester airport was a drone?

4. Alleged photo of a UFO in 1998.

5. Who knew there were aliens in Alabama?

6. A photographer in China was taking a photo of the clouds and captured this.

7. It’s believable because it looks so official.

8. Have you seen the Skinny Bob videos?

9. Could this be from our world?

10. A jellyfish UFO sighted in Afghanistan.

11. This looks like a ship from Star Wars.

12. Possibly a drone, but definitely a UFO seen over bases in the UK.

13. There’s no evidence that this shape helps with aerodynamics.

14. Is it just humans inside the flying saucers?

15. What was being depicted in this cave painting?

16. Okay we looked this up, and the Pentagon really is investigating it.

17. Another cave painting depicting an alien.