Millennials have endured many a the infuriating moment where they’re taught a “lesson” by someone else who insists that they’ve seen it all. Just because you have some years on someone doesn’t mean that you’ve figured out how to navigate this wild game of life in perfect fashion. In fact, some of the people that have tried teaching millennials lessons have turned out to be completely wrong. We’ll take a look at some of those lessons that didn’t age well at all.
1. Gum Stays in Your Stomach for 7 Years

No, you don’t have a nice field of chewed up gum floating in your stomach. Whoever told you that chewing and swallowing gum would result in that gum staying in your stomach for years was very wrong. Gum’s actually made out of indigestible materials though. But this just results in it passing through the digestive tract very quickly.
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2. Those Beanie Babies Will Be Worth Tons One Day

Unfortunately, while those Beanie Babies you might’ve held onto carry their own share of sentimental value, they’re actually largely monetarily worthless. This is due to all the hype that encircled them, which instilled in folks a sense of scarcity, which then ignited a wave of mass production, flooding the market. From there, the value of Beanie Babies took a nosedive.
3. You Won’t Have a Calculator in Your Pocket

Oh wow, how we missed the mark on this one. Check your phone. Unless you’re still committed to the flip phone lifestyle, you’ve likely got a nice scientific calculator app in addition to a wealth of other apps that have helped make your life a bit easier and more distracting.
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4. Go to College and Your Set for Life

Wouldn’t that be nice? However, the grim reality is that as recent as late 2024, the US job market is still viewed as being stagnant, with a low unemployment rate, yet a notable slowing down in terms of hiring. This just means it’s cutthroat out there, and plenty of people are trying to secure those jobs while having their college degrees.
5. Cracking Your Knuckles Causes Arthritis

No, you don’t need to work yourself into a panic over getting arthritis from cracking your knuckles. Cracking knuckles is a reaction that happens when gases within your fluid-filled joint capsules expand and then form bubbles. This is what makes that popping or wonderful clicking sound. In no way are you hearing the sound effects of arthritis being generated.
6. You’ll Need to Write in Cursive When You’re Older

Well, we certainly missed the read on that one. In fact, you’ve probably had your own difficulties or seen someone else suffer through theirs when they try to sign their name in cursive. So much of what we “write” nowadays is done so virtually. The idea that we’d all be out there communicating in cursive is both far-fetched and hilarious at the same time.
7. You’ll Never Get Paid to Play Video Games

You’re not alone if you were told by an angry parent that you had to put that video game controller away if you ever wanted to make a living. Thankfully, that lesson didn’t shake out to be true. Nowadays there’s paid game testing where you can play games for money as you work to find bugs and glitches. There’s also of course the live streaming and Esports routes where you can end up making boatloads of cash.
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8. Our Parents Totally Knew What They Were Doing

This one isn’t exactly universal to every parental situation, but there have been plenty of parents that insisted they knew exactly what they were doing at all times. If only we’d known. A huge part of a fulfilling seems like it could very well be remaining open to always learning, and moving forward with humility instead of being close-minded.
9. Cow’s Milk is Essential to a Healthy Diet

Thank goodness this one isn’t true at all. Anyone who has learned that they’re lactose-intolerant would be the first to tell you why. In actuality, a high-quality diet that puts a mindful limit on or just doesn’t include dairy altogether can still provide all of those nutrients that are needed to keep you running at optimal levels.
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10. Pluto is a Planet

If you were around when this revelation came to be you likely saw plenty of folks shellshocked. Back in 2006, the International Astronomical Union went ahead and reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet. They determined that Pluto only met the first two of the three required criteria for a full-sized planet. These were that the object must orbit the sun and that the object must be large enough to be rounded by its own gravity. However, in Pluto’s case, the object didn’t clear its neighboring region of other objects.